Girl Scout Cookie season is here: These two popular flavors are on the chopping block, so stock up while you can

  • January 7, 2025

On Tuesday, Girl Scouts of the USA kicked off its 2025 cookie season . (As a former Girl Scout, I can say that finding inventive ways to sell cookies was my first experience as an entrepreneur.)

Some bad news for Girl Scout Cookie lovers, though: The organization will no longer be making two popular flavors, S’mores and Toast-Yay! However, fans will have a chance to stock up on these before they’re officially retired in 2026 .

For the Girl Scouts, who have been in the cookie business since 1917, these two flavors are relatively new. S’mores cookies, introduced in 2017, taste just like you’d imagine: marshmallow and chocolate filling sandwiched between graham cracker cookies. Toast-Yay!, which debuted in 2021, is said to taste like French toast dipped in icing . Availability of the soon-to-be-retired varieties will vary depending on customer location. (Another flavor, Raspberry Rally, was discontinued in 2023 .)

If all this is triggering your cookie cravings, here’s all you need to know for how to get some:

Girl Scout Cookie 2025 lineup

As the Girl Scouts like to say, the future is sweet, and this year’s cookie lineup is jam-packed with all our faves, including the top three best-selling Girl Scout Cookies : Thin Mints (my favorite), Caramel deLites/Samoas, and Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs. There are no new cookie flavors this season.

Here’s the full list:

How to purchase Girl Scout cookies

This post originally appeared at
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